got healing on the mind

“This is my journal, a tool of healing, helping you keep track of the changes in your life, inspiring you to write out your emotions and thoughts, and encouraging you to continue on the journey.”


  • Mindful Travel: Nourishing Your Soul on the Road

    Picture this:

    staycations that feel like a dream escape, weekend wanderlust with your favorite people, and solo expeditions that redefine self-discovery. Traveling isn't just about the destination; it's about nurturing your soul along the way. I'm spilling the beans on 5 ways to infuse mindfulness into your travels, encouraging you to take a break, breathe, and explore the beauty within and around you.

  • Embracing Imperfection: The Beauty in Flaws

    Ever feel like you're navigating the maze of life without a map, surrounded by societal pressures and the fear of not measuring up? Join me for a heart-to-heart on Embracing Imperfection, where we'll toss the pursuit of perfection out the window and embrace the beautifully messy journey of self-love.

    Buckle up for a reality check – perfection is a myth! Let's explore how our flaws aren't roadblocks but the very path to healing and growth.

  • Navigating the Maze: Unveiling the Secrets of Healthy Relationships

    […]like many of you, I've grown all too accustomed to the definitions of toxicity and trauma, while the concept of healthy relationships has remained somewhat elusive. Coming from a tumultuous household characterized by incessant yelling, arguing, and various forms of abuse, I became desensitized to toxicity in relationships, and often downplayed the trauma I endured.

    In our recent exchanges – both online and offline – I've discerned a common thread among us: a collective desire to dissect and define what constitutes a healthy relationship, what it unequivocally is not, how to cultivate one, and the ongoing effort required to sustain healthier dynamics.

I want to encourage you, talk to you and meet with you. I want to hear your story and be a part of it when you need me most.

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